(LIBERTY PARK) - THE SLOTBOT 3000 (aka THE NEW YORK SLOT EXCHANGE) a giant robot with Wall St. as it's head, launched an attacked the heart of OWS today. The giant steel monster helped transform our economy into a global casino, where our basic needs - health care, education, food - and our life savings became chips for banks and brokers to gamble with. Turns out the game was rigged so that if they lost, they still profited, and we paid the price.
THIS SUCKS! The SlotBot vacuums up our savings and taxpayer money into it's evil claw.
A Wall St. Henchman helps guide the nozzle, as other supervillains join in the attack...
THE BUDGET AXE! "I must slash the social safety net! Slice Social Security! Chop health care into pieces! Raaaaargh!"
PINK SLIP! The nemesis of any working class hero "You're Fired!"
THE SILENCER! She spreads Fear and Apathy to quiet your voice.
WONDERMOTHER! Three kids, two jobs, and one fight for justice!
CAPTAIN GENERICA! The discount superhero - fighting for justice at a more affordable price.
THE MASTER OF DEGREES! Super-overeducated for any of the jobs that are currently available!
KRUG MAN! The 'Nobel Savage' smashing proven-to-fail neoliberal economic policies with his Macro-Mallet.
And many OWS superheroes who suddenly arrived on the scene!
And finally, UNEMPLOYED MAN, the jobless avenger!
All all out mega-brawl erupts as HEROES battle VILLAINS! Kapow! Krak! Pop! Wondermother nails Pink Slip right in the kisser.
UNEMPLOYED MAN faces off against SLOTBOT.
WORKING CLASS HEROES rise up together!
FANTASMA the undocumented Immigrant superhero, appears at center.
Heroes confront THE OUTSOURCERER - a supervillain who can make jobs magically disappear!
Onwards and Upwards!
Always eager to cover Occupy Wall Street (negatively) Fox News arrives on the scene!
PINK SLIP is turned by the power of the Heroes-For-Hard-Times, and uses her powers for good!
SUPERHEROES push back against the giant sucking arm of Wall St. No More taxpayer money for you!
Blasted by so much collective power, SLOTBOT writhes in Agony!
Beheaded, SLOTBOT stands vanquished as the Heroes take a moment to pose triumphantly before...
The Heroes confront the *real* supervillain, WALL ST. itself!